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Wills & Probate

Our lawyers pride themselves on providing a personal and expert service

Lasting Power of Attorney

Making a Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are completed when a person (called the donor) has mental capacity to manage his or her own affairs. When that person ceases to have capacity, the Lasting Powers of Attorney continues to be valid enabling another person or persons (the Attorney / Attorneys) to manage the donor’s affairs.

We have extensive knowledge and experience in this area and our team is always willing to advise on the best way forward for you.

The benefits of making a Lasting Power of Attorney are:-

  • You decide who acts as your Attorney should the need arise
  • Your chosen Attorney will have a good understanding of your needs
  • If you are mentally alert, but physically unable to do things, your Attorney can act on your behalf to assist you.

We would normally expect to do the following:-

  • Meet with you to assess your needs and explain the process to you.
  • We can act as a ‘certificate provider’ to certify that you have capacity.
  • Complete all the necessary forms and arrange with your Attorney for signature by them.
  • Providing you wish to register the Lasting Power of Attorney now, we would apply on your behalf to the Office of the Public Guardian for registration. Please note that this incurs a fee of £82 per document unless an exemption is available due to your financial circumstances.
  • Once the Lasting Power of Attorney is registered, we will provide you with copies and then store the documents in our deeds safe for safe keeping should you wish.

If you are unwell and unable to come to our offices, we can make arrangements to visit you at home, however, there will be an additional fee for this which will be agreed with you in advance.

More information

How much will it cost?
There are two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney. One for Property and Financial Affairs, and the other is for Health and Welfare. We normally charge £250 plus VAT for one type and an additional fee for registration at the same time of £50 plus VAT. For both types we charge £350 plus VAT plus an additional £50 plus VAT for registration at the same time. There will also be an Office of the Public Guardian registration fee of £82 per document.
How long will it take?
We aim to get drafts of the documents to you within a week of your instructions. However, the Office of the Public Guardian takes between 8-10 weeks to register.
Email or call us now to arrange an appointment.

Department contacts

Justyn Thomas

Justyn Thomas

Solicitor and Partner

01326 574988

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